S velikim zadovoljstvom želimo da vas obavestimo da ste uspešno završili naš Online Masterclass!
Čestitamo vam na posvećenosti, trudu i energiji koje ste uložili kako biste obogatili svoje znanje i veštine.

S ponosom vas obaveštavamo da ćemo vam u narednim danima poslati vaš sertifikat putem e-maila.

Sincerely, we want to inform you that you have successfully completed our Online Masterclass!
Congratulations on your dedication, effort, and energy invested in enriching your knowledge and skills.

With pride, we would like to inform you that we will be sending your certificate to your email in the coming days.

Da bismo vam mogli poslati vaš zasluženi sertifikat, molimo vas da upišete vašu e-mail adresu.(To send you your well-deserved certificate, please enter your email address.)

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